Citizen Panel

Please help us make Lancashire and South Cumbria a healthier place to live by sharing your views and experiences by joining our Citizens' Panel.

What is our Citizens’ Panel?

Our Citizens’ Panel is a database of residents who live in Lancashire and South Cumbria, who have volunteered to take part in regular research and questionnaires.

In Lancashire and South Cumbria our Citizen Panel is a valuable way for the NHS to receive feedback from a sample of our population and give local residents the opportunity to share their opinions and views on local health and care services. 

The information we receive will help to ensure that services are designed and delivered in line with what our residents consider matters most to them.


Your opinion matters to us. We want to gather public views and opinions on a wide variety of health topics, allowing members of the public to get involved in shaping the future of local healthcare services.

Our panel aims to be representative of the population and is complementary to our existing engagement activities.  It will allow us to carry out targeted engagement with local residents to help understand the healthcare needs of people in more detail.

As a member, you will receive regular updates of health and care information in Lancashire and South Cumbria, be invited to take part in surveys, focus groups and events and have the chance to help shape NHS services.

How to apply

Please complete our online form at:

If you require help to do this, or you would prefer to do this over the telephone, please email us at with your telephone number and someone will be in touch.

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